
  • Setting: The game places the player in the role of a turtle moving through a natural environment.
  • Objective: The turtle must survive by eating the right food and avoiding harmful items.


  • Controls:
    • The turtle moves left and right using arrow keys or on-screen buttons if the game is designed for mobile devices.
  • Goals:
    • Eat jellyfish and seaweed to gain points.
    • Avoid plastic bags and bottles to prevent losing points or failing.


  • Jellyfish: Grants points when eaten.
  • Seaweed: Grants points when eaten.
  • Plastic Bags: Reduces points or causes failure when eaten.
  • Plastic Bottles: Reduces points or causes failure when eaten.


  • Graphics: Simple but clear graphics.
  • Sound: Sound effects only when the turtle eats something.
  • Challenges: No time limits, the focus is on distinguishing between good and bad food.

Development Tools:

  • Engine: You can use an engine like Godot or Unity to develop the game.
  • Language: The programming language can be GDScript if you use Godot.

Steps to Develop the Game:

  1. Create the Environment: A simple natural environment with elements for the turtle to navigate.
  2. Design the Turtle: A simple sprite for the turtle that moves horizontally.
  3. Add Elements:
    • Jellyfish and seaweed as good food items.
    • Plastic bags and bottles as bad items.
  4. Program Movements: Move the turtle left and right using arrow keys.
  5. Add Scoring: Implement a scoring system that rewards eating good food and penalizes eating bad items.
  6. Sound: Add simple sound effects for when the turtle eats.


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